par(mfrow=c(2,3), mar=c(3,3,1,1)+0.1) par(cex=0.8) plotit <- function(n, p){ plot(0:n, dbinom(0:n, n, p), type="h", xlab="", ylab="", main=paste0("$np = ",n*p,"$, $n(1-p) = ",n*(1-p),"$")) } plotit(n=6, p=0.5) plotit(n=9, p=1/3) plotit(n=18, p=1/3) plotit(n=30, p=1/3) plotit(n=45, p=1/3) plotit(n=100, p=0.3) # Testing the probability = 0.5 with a two-sided alternative # We have observed 518 out of 1154 # Do it without continuity corrections prop.test(x=518, n=1154, p = 0.5, correct = FALSE) # Testing that the probabilities for the two groups are equal # Calculating 99% confindece interval prop.test(x=c(23,35), n=c(57,167), correct=FALSE, conf.level=0.99) # Reading the data into R <- matrix(c(23, 35, 34, 132), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) rownames( <- c("Blood Clot", "No Clot") colnames( <- c("Pill", "No pill") # Chi^2 test for tesing that the distribution for the two groups are equal chisq.test(, correct = FALSE) # If we want the expected numbers, then store the result in a variable chi <- chisq.test(, correct = FALSE) # In the result the expected values can be found chi$expected # Reading the data into R poll <- matrix(c(79, 91, 93, 84, 66, 60, 37, 43, 47), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) colnames(poll) <- c("4 weeks", "2 weeks", "1 week") rownames(poll) <- c("Cand1", "Cand2", "Undecided") # Column percentages colpercent <- prop.table(poll, 2) colpercent barplot(t(colpercent), beside = TRUE, col = 2:4, las = 1, ylab = "Percent each week", xlab = "Candidate", main = "Distribution of Votes") legend( legend = colnames(poll), fill = 2:4,"topright", cex = 0.7) # Testing same distribution in the three populations chi <- chisq.test(poll, correct = FALSE) chi # Expected values chi$expected # Reading the data into R results <- matrix(c(23, 60, 29, 28, 79, 60, 9, 49, 63), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) colnames(results) <- c("MathBad", "MathAve", "MathGood") rownames(results) <- c("EngBad", "EngAve", "EngGood") # Percentages prop.table(results) # Row totals margin.table(results, 1) # Column totals margin.table(results, 2) # Testing independence between english and maths results chi <- chisq.test(results, correct = FALSE) chi # Expected values chi$expected