Most of the Danish podcasts were recorded in Spring 2015. The remaining podcasts are from previous versions of the course, and they may use other slides than those which are currently available.

Observe the following changes to the current agenda:

  • “Planning a study” has been collected in Section 3.3. In the lectures below, it is included in Weeks 4 (width of confidence interval), 5, and 6 (one- and two-sample). The only change in the curriculum is that one-sided hypotheses have been removed.
  • There are no one-sided tests in the curriculum at all now. In the lectures here, one-sided tests are included in Weeks 5-6 (one- and two-sample tests) and Week 10 (proportions tests).
  • Week 10 about proportions used to be Week 12. It is changed in the table below, but not in the recordings. 

Please note that only the current version of the Agenda counts this year. Please send an email to if you find things which should be changed in the table below.

Week Podcast titles and links
1 Praktisk Kursusinformation (8 min)
1 Hvorfor Statistik: James Lind, Broad street og Google (10 min)
1 Statistik og Ingeniører (7 min)
1 Nøgletal: Gennemsnit Median (6 min)
1 Nøgletal: Spredning Variance (9 min)
1 Nøgletal: Fraktiler (7 min)
1 Kovarians og korrelation (13 min)
1 R Introduktion (17 min)
1 Brief summary of Week 1 (from Spring 2015) (5 min)
1 EXTRA MATH: The derivation of the variance formula (7 min)
2 Intro, tæthed og sandsynlighedsfunktion (24 min)
2 Binomialfordeling, definition og R (12 min)
2 Binomialfordeling, Eksempel (11 min)
2 Hypergeometrisk fordeling (med eksempel) (13 min)
2 Poissonfordeling (med R og eksempel) (20 min)
2 Middelværdig og varians for diskrete fordelinger (10 min)
2 Brief summary of Week 2 (from Spring 2015) (9 min)
2 EXTRA MATH: The mean of a binomial distribution.(8 min)
2 EXTRA MATH: The derivation of the variance formula(5 min)
2 EXTRA MATH: The Variance of the binomial distribution(7 min)
2 EXTRA MATH: The derivation of the poisson distribution (12 min)
2 EXTRA MATH: The mean and variance of the Poisson distribution(6 min)
2 OPTIONAL: Intro (Repetition of Discrete distributions, Eel story, Mobile phone and cancer story) (18 min)
3 Kontinuerte Fordelinger: tæthedsfunktion og fordelingsfunktion, Intelligens-scores (16 min)
3 Uniform Fordeling med eksempel (7 min)
3 Normalfordelingen med eksempel (26 min)
3 Normalfordelingen, flere eksempler, Intelligensscores - hvor mange genier i Danmark? (9 min)
3 Lognormal og eksponentialfordeling med eksempel (18 min)
3 Regneregler for middelværdi og varians med Flypassagereksempel (20 min)
3 OPTIONAL Software R, Example: Geniuses in Denmark! (6 min)
3 OPTIONAL from previous: Example With Ship Passengers (9 min)
3 OPTIONAL from previous: Example With Stones In Sand - What Is Hypothesis Test? (10 min)
3 From previous: Brief summary of Week 3 (10 min)
3 EXTRA MATH: Mean and variance for the Uniform distribution (5 min)
3 EXTRA MATH: Mean and variance for the Normal distribution (9 min)
3 EXTRA MATH: Mean and variance for the Exponential distribution (8.5 min)
4 Intro og fordeling af gennemsnit (27 min)
4 Konfidensintervallet for middelværdien (11 min)
4 Den statistiske sprogbrug og formelle ramme (8 min)
4 Ikke-normale data, Central Grænseværdisætning (CLT) (12 min)
4 En formel fortolkning af konfidensintervallet (5 min)
4 Estimering af en varians og chi-i-anden fordeling (11 min)()
4 Konfidensinterval for en varians og spredning (og eksempel) (7 min)
4 From Spring 2015: Brief summary of Week 4 (8.5 min)
4 EXTRA MATH: Introduction to likelihood theory (14 minutes)
4 EXTRA MATH: Maximum likelihood estimation for the binomial model (8 minutes)
4 EXTRA MATH: Maximum likelihood estimation for the poisson model (3.5 minutes)
4 EXTRA MATH: Maximum likelihood estimation for the normal model (10 minutes)
5 Motiverende eksempel - sovemedicin (12 min)
5 One-sample t-test og p-værdi (19 min)
5 Hypotese-test med alternativer (17 min)
5 Checking the normality assumption (25 min)
5 Checking the normality assumption, Part 2 (6.5 min)
5 From 2015: Brief summary of Week 5 (4.5 min)
5 EXTRA MATH: Sums of random variables and moment generating functions(15 min)
5 EXTRA MATH: Non-linear transformations of distributions (16 min)
5 EXTRA MATH: Sampling distribution of the sample variance (14 min)
5 EXTRA MATH: Derivation of the t-distribution (12 min)
6 Motiverende eksempel: Sammenligning af to grupper (10 min)
6 Repetition af hypotesetest og p-værdi (14 min)
6 Hypotesetest for to gennemsnit - Welch t-test - metoden (13 min)
6 Hypotesetest for to gennemsnit - eksempel - energiforbrug (10 min)
6 2-sample Konfidensintervaller (13 min)
6 Det parrede t-test med eksempel (12 min)
6 Kontrol af normalfordelingsantagelse (5 min)
6 The pooled t-test - et alternativ (4 min)
6 Planlægning: Power og sample size (flyttet fra uge 5) (10 min)
6 Styrke og stikprøvestørrelse (flyttet til sektion 3.3 i bogen) (8 min)
6 Brief summary of Week 6 (Spring 2015)(7 min)
6 From 2013: Sample Size Determination (5.5 min) the notation is a bit different in this old version
6 EXTRA MATH: Power and sample size formula (one sample case) (16 min)
7 Introduktion til simulation (11 min)
7 Simulationseksempel 1: A=XY (13 min)
7 (Ikke lineær) Fejlophobningslov (Eksempel: A=XY) (14 min)
7 Bootstrap intro, Parametrisk bootstrap: One-sample konfidensinterval for mean. Example: The mean of the exponential distribution (13 min)
7 Parametrisk bootstrap: One-sample konfidensinterval for en vilkårlig størrelse. Example 1: The median of the exponential distribution. Example 2: The upper quartile of the normal distribution. (8 min)
7 Parametrisk bootstrap: Two-sample konfidensintervaller. Example: Comparing two exponential means. (7 min)
7 **Confidence interval for a one-sample mean by non-parametric bootstrap. Example: The mean of non-normal data. Alternative to paired t-test. **
7 Confidence interval for a any one-sample feature by non-parametric bootstrap. Example: The median of non-normal data.
7 Two-sample Confidence intervals by non-parametric bootstrapping. Comparing means or any other feature. Example 1: Difference of means for non-normal data. Example 2: Differences of medians for non-normal data.
7 Brief summary of Week 7(Spring 2015 )(7 min)
7 EXTRA MATH:The uniform distribution can give all other distributions, proof(4 min)
7 EXTRA MATH: Other bootstrap confidence interval principles, and how to use simulation to investigate which methods are better (18 min)
8 Motiverende eksempel: Højde-vægt (10 min)
8 Lineær regressionsmodel (5 min)
8 Mindste kvadraters metode (least squares) (16 min)
8 Statistik og lineær regression?? (10 min)
8 Hypotesetests og konfidensintervaller afskæring og hældning (14 min)
8 Konfidensinterval og prædiktionsinterval for linien (11 min)
8 Korrelation (og regression) (14 min)
8 Residualanalyse - modelkontrol (9 min)
8 Brief summary of Week 8 (Spring 2015)(14 min)
8 EXTRA MATH: The basic handcomputational formulae (4.5 min)
8 EXTRA MATH: Finding the least squares estimates(10 min)
8 EXTRA MATH: The LS estimates are also Maximum Likelihood Estimates (6 min)
8 EXTRA MATH: Extended regression modelling: Multiple input, non-linear relations and categorical/non-normal observations.(15 mintutes)
9 Intro, inkl. simpel regression, airdata eksempel (19 min)
9 Multipel Lineær Regression - MLR. og least squares fit. (17 min)
9 MLR, Modeludvælgelse. Forward and backward model selektion (14 min)
9 MLR,Modelvalidering, residualundersøgelse. Residual plotting for normality check, variance homogeneity and non-linearity (13 min)
9 MLR, Ikke-linearitet? How to check for and deal with non-linear effects within the linear model: E.g. linear regression with quadratic input terms (15 min)
9 MLR, Konfidens- og prediktionsintervaller How to get Confidence intervals and prediction intervals in R (4 min)
9 MLR, Ko-linearitet The consequence of x-inputs being correlated to each other (17 min)
9 Brief summary of Week 9 (Spring 2015) (7 min)
10 Intro til andele (4 min)
10 Konfidensinterval for een andel (12 min)
10 Bestemmelse af stikprøvestørrelse (6 min)
10 Hypotesetest for een andel (8 min)
10 Hypotesetest for 2 andele (13 min)
10 Chi-i-anden-testet: Hypotesetest for 2 og flere andele (17 min)
10 Antalstabeller, R og dagens tal (17 min)
11 Intro, Regneeksempel og TV-data fra B&O. (16 min)
11 Envejs ANOVA- model og hypotese (6.5 min)
11 Envejs ANOVA - Beregning - variationsopspaltning og ANOVA tabellen (24 min)
11 Envejs ANOVA Hypotesetest (F-test) (10 min)
11 Indenfor-gruppe variabilitet og relation til 2-gruppe t-test (5 min)
11 Post hoc sammenligninger (12 min)
11 Model kontrol i en-vejs ANOVA (6 min)
11 Model control in one-way ANOVA. Residual investigation (5 min)
11 Et eksempel, ANOVA fra start til slut (13 min)
11 Brief summary of Week 11 (Spring 2015) (10 min)
12 Intro, Regneeksempel og TV-data fra B&O (21 min)
12 Model og estimater (5 min)
12 Beregning - variationsopspaltning og ANOVA tabellen (7 min)
12 Hypotesetest (F-test) (12 min)
12 Post hoc sammenligninger (5 min)
12 Model kontrol (2 min)
12 Et eksempel, 2-way ANOVA fra start til slut (29 min)
12 Brief summary of Week 12 (Spring 2015) (9 min)
12 EXTRA MATH: Why is the F-statistic F-distributed? (8.5 min)
12 EXTRA MATH: Parameter solutions in ANOVA models(12 min)
13 Kursusoversigt maj 2015, Part1 (23 min)
13 Kursusoversigt maj 2015, Part2 (31 min)
13 Situationsoverblik, Et overblik over metoder/situationer i kurset, maj 2015 (6 min)
13 Perspektiv - andre statistikkurser (10 min)
13 Lidt om eksamen - og et par opgaver fra Dec2013 eksamen (21 min)